Bryan Magee The Great Philosophers Pdf To Word

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Bryan Magee The Great Philosophers Pdf To Word' title='Bryan Magee The Great Philosophers Pdf To Word' />Colonization Atomic Rockets     Somethings wrong, Ben whispered. Chessmaster Xbox Iso Software on this page. There always is.      Im serious. He let his fingers trace out a line across the black sky. What do you see     With the Sun eclipsed by the shadow of the FGB module, she gazed out at the subtle light. There was that bright planet, andthe dim red disc of rubble surrounding the Chaera black hole, from here just visible as more than a point source of light. Theres a glow around the star itself, covering the orbit of that single planet, Ben said. Can you see It was a diffuse shine, Madeleine saw, cloudy, ragged edged. Ben continued. Thats an oddity in itself. Etymology. The word existence comes from the Latin word exsistere meaning to appear, to arise, to become, or to be, but literally, it means to stand out. Opacity What We Do Not See. A Philosophical Notebook, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb. The mathematical version is here. Non philosophorum sed philosophiae historiae. Retrouvez toutes les discothque Marseille et se retrouver dans les plus grandes soires en discothque Marseille. But     Then she got it. Oh. No zodiacal light. The zodiacal light, in the Solar System, was a faint glow along the plane of the ecliptic. Sometimes it was visible from Earth. It was sunlight, scattered by dust that orbited the Sun in the plane of the planets. Most of the dust was in or near the asteroid belt, created by asteroid collisions. And in the modern Solar System, of course, the zodiacal light was enhanced by the glow of Gaijin colonies. So if theres no zodiacal light     There are no asteroids here, Ben said. Nemoto. What happened to the asteroids     You already know, I think, virtual Nemoto hissed. Ben nodded. They were mined out. Probably long ago. This place is old, Madeleine. Its like a fragment of a GMCa giant molecular cloud, Ben said. Mostly hydrogen, some dust. Its thickcomparatively. A hundred thousand molecules per cubic centimeter. The Sun was born out of such a cloud, Madeleine. But the heat of the Sun dispersed the remnants of our cloud. So why hasnt the same thing happened here     Or, virtual Nemoto said sourly, maybe the question should be How come the gas cloud got put back around this star They came at the planet with the Sun behind them, so it showed a nearly full disc. It glared, brilliant white, just a solid mass of cloud from pole to pole, blinding and featureless. And it was surrounded by a pearly glow of interstellar hydrogen, like an immense, misshapen outer atmosphere. They could see nothing of the surface. Their instruments revealed a world that was indeed like Venus an atmosphere of carbon dioxide, kilometers thick, scarcely any water. There was, of course, no life of any kind. Ben was troubled. Theres no reason for a Venus to form this far from the Sun. This world should be temperate. An Earth.      But, Nemoto hissed, think what this world has that Earth doesnt share. The gas cloud, Madeleine said. Ben nodded. All that interstellar hydrogen. Madeleine, were so far from the Sun now, and the gas is so thick, that the hydrogen is neutralnot ionized by sunlight. And so     And so the planet down there has no defense against the gas its magnetic field could only keep it out if it was charged. Hydrogen has been raining down from the sky, into the upper air. Once there, it will mix with any oxygen present, Nemoto said. Hydrogen plus oxygen gives     Water, Madeleine said. Lots of it, Ben told her. It must have rained like hell, for a million years. The atmosphere was drained of oxygen, and filled up with water vapor. A greenhouse effect took off     All that from a wisp of gas     That wisp of gas was a planet killer, Nemoto whispered. But why would anyone kill a planet     It is the logic of growth, Nemoto said. This has all the characteristics of an old system, Meacher. Caught behind a wave of colonizationall its usable resources dug out and exploited. Madeleine frowned. I dont believe it. It would take a hell of a long time to eat up a star system. How long do you think     I dont know. Millions of years, perhaps. Nemoto grunted. Listen to me. The growth rate of the human population on Earth, historically, was two percent a year. Doesnt sound like much, does itBut its compound interest, remember. At that rate your population doubles every thirty five years, an increase by tenfold every century or so. Of course after the twentieth century our growth rates collapsed we ran out of resources. Ah, Ben said. What if wed kept on growing     How many people could Earth hold Nemoto whispered. Ten, twenty billion Meacher, the whole of the inner Solar System out to Mars could supply only enough water for maybe fifty billion people. It might have taken us a century to reach those numbers. Of course there is much more water in the asteroids and the outer system than in Earths oceans, perhaps enough to support ten thousand trillion human beings. A huge number.      But not infiniteand only six tenfold jumps away from ten billion. Just six or seven centuries, Ben said. And then what Nemoto whispered. Suppose we start colonizing, like the Gaijin. Earth is suddenly the center of a growing sphere of colonization whose volume must keep increasing at two percent a year, to keep up with the population growth. And that means that the leading edge, the colonizing wave, has to sweep on faster and faster, eating up worlds and stars and moving on to the next, because of the pressure from behind. Ben was doing sums in his head. That leading edge would have to be moving at light speed within a few centuries, no more. Imagine how it would be, Nemoto said grimly, to inhabit a world in the path of such a wave. The exploitation would be rapid, ruthless, merciless, burning up worlds and stars like the front of a forest fire, leaving only ruins and lifelessness. And then, as resources are exhausted throughout the light speed cage, the crash comes, inevitably. Remember Venus. Remember Polynesia. Polynesia     The nearest analog in our own history to interstellar colonization, Ben said. The Polynesians spread out among their Pacific islands for over a thousand years, across three thousand kilometers. But by about A. D. Isolated, each island surrounded by others already full of people, they had nowhere to go. On Easter Island they destroyed the native ecosystem in a few generations, let the soil erode away, cut down the forests. In the end they didnt even have enough wood to build more canoes. Then they went to war over whatever was left. By the time the Europeans arrived the Polynesians had just about wiped themselves out. Think about it, Meacher, Nemoto said. The light speed cage. Imagine this system fully populated, a long way behind the local colonization wave front, and surrounded by systems just as heavily populatedand armedas they were. And they were running out of resources. There surely were a lot more space dwellers than planet dwellers, but theyd already used up the asteroids and the comets. So the space dwellers turned on the planet. The inhabitants were choked, drowned, baked. I dont believe it, Madeleine said. Any intelligent society would figure out the dangers long before breeding itself to extinction. The Polynesians didnt, Ben said dryly. The Chaera are the aliens who formerly lived on the murdered Venus like planet. They currently live in miserable tiny space colonies orbiting a dangerous black hole artifact. But there remain mysteries, Ben said. The Chaera look too primitive to have constructed that artifact. After all, it manipulates a black holes gravity well. Perhaps their ancestors built this thing.